Top 3 Ways to Advertise Yourself as a Personal Shopper
This blog was written by Sarah Jacobs.
Despite the huge growth of eCommerce and online shopping in the past few years, a handful of people would still need (and actually look for) a personal shopper. Not everyone has the time to patiently go through malls and boutiques to find the dress or stuff they need.
Similarly, when it comes to online shopping, not everyone also has the time and patience to search and browse for the perfect dress, size, designs, and deals online. So yes, personal shoppers are needed more than ever – even online.
A personal shopper does not just search for the right item within the right price range. He/she also knows which style and colors are best for the client. They can refer clients to the best stores, the best possible deals, and even suggest matching outfits.
It’s not surprising if a personal shopper also works as a stylist at the same time! Yet no matter how skilled you are, none of that matters if people can’t find or are not even aware of your services elsewhere. So it’s time to market and advertise yourself through the following ways:
1. Ramp Up Your Social Media Presence
Social Media is like the default ad platform for every business today – whether big or small. It should be yours too! Now you might say that this is overrated, but nothing beats having your own Social Media presence. It is useful if you want to tell friends, colleagues, partners, and acquaintances of your services, and it is also the best outlet for you to promote your services through photos and testimonials. It is also a quick tool to be used when you need to connect with clients (both current and prospective ones).
2. Partner with Clothing Stores and Ateliers
Ateliers have a client base of people who like customized clothes. Sure, these clothing stores and ateliers are providing clothes for their customers – but styling and choosing the best ones for them is a whole different thing. Clothing stores and ateliers are the perfect place for you to network. You can tap on that base, and introduce yourself as a personal shopper that can help them save time (and money), while also styling them.
3. Encourage Referrals and Don’t Be a Snob
Personal shoppers are usually associated with the ultra-rich. Many people think that only the richest ones can afford to hire a personal shopper. However, that’s just a misconception. Sure, the majority of your clientele might come from the upper class, but your services are also helpful for the middle class, and to anyone who makes a decent income.
So don’t be a snob! If someone goes to you for some advice, encourage him/her to tell their friends about you. You don’t have to be pushy, just tell them that you are available for assistance, even if they are not 6 or 7-figure income earners!
The bottom line is, you really have to brush up on your networking skills if you want to advertise yourself as a personal shopper. Aside from that, you really have to provide good service too! Once you provide great service consistently, you’ll find yourself advertising less. Your good reputation and excellent service are enough for people to go to you (or at least refer you).
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Author Note

Sarah Jacobs is a seasoned writer who enjoys creating helpful articles and interesting stories. She has worked with several clients across different industries such as advertising, online marketing, technology, healthcare, family matters, and more. She is also an aspiring entrepreneur who is engaged in assisting other aspiring entrepreneurs in finding the best office space for their business.
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