
Mystery Shoppers: Avoid These 5 Pitfalls

This is a guest post written by one of our Bees, Stephanie Modkins As a frequent Mobee app user, I’ve come across a number of pitfalls that have affected me in the past year. Perhaps, after reading this blog, you’ve come across a few of these yourself. In 2020, I plan on avoiding these pitfalls and enjoying a more peaceful, …

Snowy landscape

7 Affordable Ways to Reduce Your Heating Bills

Winter is here (for most of us, depending on where you live). If you’re in a cold-weather place, you know how painful heating bills can be. It can cost a lot to keep your home warm, and it’s not something you want to go without for very long. The good news is that there are plenty of ways you can …


[FAQ Series] What are Featured Pins on Mobee?

A somewhat new feature to the Mobee app is featured pins. Because they’re newer to the app, we’ve seen more questions about this feature recently. We wanted to give you an in-depth look at what these pins are and answer all of your most frequently asked questions about them. Let’s dive into featured pins! What is a featured pin? A …


How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is a time of resolutions. We all make them, but many of us also fall a little bit short on hitting those goals. That’s OK! But it doesn’t always have to be that way. Check out these tips for how you can keep your New Year’s resolutions this year. Be Realistic but Specific The first step toward …