pets, cats


6 Ways to Save Money on Pet Expenses

Pets are one of those sleeper expenses that never cross your mind. That is until you’re confronted with a large bill you didn’t expect. The costs of owning a pet–from food buying to surprise injuries–can create a bit of a financial burden if you’re not prepared. In this blog, we list a few ways to save money on pet expenses.  …


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5 Budget-Friendly Winter Activities

As winter gets closer opportunities for outdoor activities get fewer and further between. This makes it important to have a list of options on hand for when you have some winter weekends to burn through.   Luckily, winter offers chances for cheap, family friendly activities and stay at home date nights. Break out the candles, put the water on for hot chocolate, and get …


Crockpot vs. Instant Pot: What’s The Difference

What’s better as the days turn colder than a warm meal? Stews and soups are perfect autumn and winter fare, but you need the proper tools to execute them well. You might have heard of the Instant Pot craze of the last few years, but what if you only have a Crock-Pot or slow cooker? Do you need to switch …

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Why Do We Eat Turkey on Thanksgiving Day?

This is a guest post written by one of our Bees, Stephanie Modkins Despite our differences, Americans have a lot in common. One thing we have in common is what we eat on Thanksgiving Day. Regardless of race, religion, or gender, most of us consume turkey. This bird is so popular that 77 percent of its sales occur in November. …

gutters on a house


How to Clean Your Gutters

You might have recently purchased your first home. Or you could be experiencing autumn in your new house for the first time. But either way, you’ve likely realized that there will come a time when you need to clean your gutters. While it’s not the most pleasant of tasks, there are many ways that you can make the process easier for yourself. …