Perfect Stay-At-Home Date Ideas
Date night is usually thought of as an external activity, something that happens relative to locations outside of your home or apartment. However, having a date night at home is fun, is typically a lot cheaper than going out, and can create great memories that will last for years to come. Clean your living room, don your best date-night clothes, and gear up for a great time.
Have a Game Night for Two
Game night can be for two, too! There are plenty of board games and card games that are built for two players. Classics like chess and checkers will challenge you to outmaneuver your partner, and card games like War or Gin Rummy are perfect for post-dinner romantic evenings. There are also great trivia games that might help you learn a little more about your partner. Twenty questions is an obvious choice, and even taking online quizzes or personality tests to learn about one another’s preferences can be a fun way to unwind and discover things you might not have known about your relationship.
If you’ve done as many puzzles or played as many hands of Spoons as you can stomach, moving into the world of video games might be a great next step. There are tons of two-player puzzle-based games that make for a great date night, like Portal 2 or Unravel 2. If you’re looking for a truly hectic experience, Overcooked is an incredibly fun date night option. Playing a video game together is great because it’s a date that can be extended over several nights if needed, all from the comfort of your living room.
Remember the cardinal rule of any date night: Great food is a must, so stock up on snacks for the duration of your game night.

Have a Wine Tasting at Home
Snagging a few bottles of wine might seem a bit like an investment where date night at home is concerned, but when you consider how much you might spend for a tasting elsewhere as well as the amount of wine tasting delivery services there are now (i.e. VineBox), having a wine tasting in the comfort of your home sounds better and better. Light a few candles, pick up your favorite cheese and crackers, and amuse yourselves trying to identify flavor notes. If you’re trying to really stick with the theme, getting fancy and dressing up for the occasion won’t hurt.
Not a fan of wine? You can duplicate the tasting experience with all kinds of foods you might not normally get a chance to try. Selecting a few cheeses or chocolates you’ve never had, or even testing out new desserts or pastries are great substitutes. Getting creative and developing your own tasting menu is also a great option. Any experience that lets you and your partner take a step outside of your comfort zone is perfect for an at-home date night.
Plan Your Next Trip
One of the best parts of being in a relationship is having a travel buddy, someone you can explore the world with. Planning your dream trip is a perfect way to enjoy a date night indoors, and it also serves a practical purpose. Order in food from the locale you’re trying to escape to, pull up as many impractical Airbnbs as you can, and start shopping for your travel wardrobe as a team. There are so many new ideas to be explored through planning travel—where your partner’s bucket list destinations are, what sights you both want to see, and what kind of activities you want to participate in. Checking out travel YouTube videos and chatting about your ideal vacation scenarios will have the hours flying by.
If you and your partner haven’t traveled much, there are plenty of resources for how to get started:
- 25 Tips for Couples Traveling for the First Time Together!
- 25 amazing Airbnb rentals you should book now
- 10 Simple Tips for a Smoother Trip
Go to the Movies—At Home!
Making a movie night at home feel a little less like your average Wednesday and a little more like an occasion is as easy as accessorizing, and by accessorizing we mean making sure you have popcorn and snacks. One of the biggest draws of seeing a movie at a theater comes in the form of movie-theater candy like M&Ms and licorice, massive sodas, and overpriced popcorn. Recreating your movie-going experience with snacks is a great way to make a normal Netflix session feel like a night out. There are also many movies airing early on Amazon Prime that can be rented, so you can catch the films you want to see in theaters from the comfort of your favorite blanket.
Check out a few of these great recipes for movie-theater style snacks you can whip up in your own kitchen:
- How to Make the Most Buttery, Movie-Style Popcorn
- Movie Theater Pretzel Rods
- You Get a Boozy Slushy, and You Get a Boozy Slushy
If you’re looking to really elevate your at-home theater experience, investing in a projector might be a great way to duplicate the special feel of a theater in the safety of your apartment.

Karaoke Night
Why not move your favorite songs to sing in the shower out to the living room? You and your partner will get a good laugh from singing your hearts out, and you’ll also be able to explore the songs and playlists that keep your significant other smiling. It’s a great way to learn more about your partner and give yourself a little endorphin rush in the process. Try a duet to really make yourselves laugh.
Check out these tips for setting up a perfect at-home karaoke night:
- How to set up Karaoke at Home using YouTube
- 40 Best Karaoke Duets That You Need To Sing With Your Friends in 2020
Having a date night at home is fun and affordable, but it’s also about mindset. Being willing to be flexible and in the moment will make dates at home feel special, even if the location feels overfamiliar. Eat well, drink well, and be merry in the one-on-one time you have together.