Egg-ccelent Easter Activities to Try with Mobee
As we make our way into sunshiny Spring, some people are looking forward to celebrating Easter Sunday with families and friends.
Where Does Easter Come From?
For some, Easter is a religious celebration based in Christianity. The earliest record of Easter being celebrated is from the 2nd century, and it has an important place in many people’s faith.
Over the years, however, Easter has become a general symbol of Spring for many people, religious or not. Easter can mean growth, new crops being planted, hope, or the motivation one might need to clean or get their year truly started.

Common Ways to Celebrate
Many celebrate with big all-out get-togethers, and others have a nice day at home with good food and even better company.
Decorating Easter Eggs
One of the most well-known ways to celebrate Easter is by decorating eggs. This is usually an activity for kids, but you can get the whole family in on it!
Some people decorate hard-boiled eggs to be eaten later, and others save eggshells for weeks leading up to the holiday, decorate those, and fill them with things like confetti, trinkets, flour, or even money.
Many people prefer to use plastic eggs rather than real ones to avoid the hassle. This can be just as fun!
Easter Bunny
Some families hide their eggs themselves as part of the fun, but others pin the egg-hiding on the Easter Bunny.
It’s said that the Easter Bunny lays eggs, decorates them, and hides them as a symbol of new life.
Easter Baskets
Usually these are woven baskets, often in traditional pastel Easter colors, that are filled with fake grass.
It’s thought that these baskets were originally supposed to be nests, meant to entice the Easter bunny to lay eggs. Now they are often used to collect the eggs scattered around the yard or can also be filled with treats.

Some Fun & Different Activities to Try this Year
Doing the same old thing every year can get a bit monotonous though, especially for the parents that are trying to keep Easter alive as their kids grow up. There are several fun and creative activities you can try to keep the whole family invested.
- Easter Charades: This game can involve everyone! Create some prompts that are bunny, egg, or spring themed and put them inside of some plastic Easter eggs. One person will pick an egg, act out the prompt, and everyone else can guess. Try to add a variety of prompts though, so that even the littlest kids can play!
- Egg-Balancing Race: Just get some spoons and have everyone balance an egg on their spoon. Then the players must make it from one side of the yard all the way to the other side, without dropping their egg. This game is better played in age groups, to keep things fair. For added fun, maybe the players can decorate their racing egg ahead of time as a separate activity.
- Planting Seeds: Pick out some pretty flower seed packets from the store and get some little flowerpots. These things can usually even be found at the dollar store! You’ll also need a little bit of potting soil. First, have everyone decorate their flowerpots however they want. Then, they can choose a few flower seeds they like, and plant them. This activity can be started on Easter and continue for weeks of enjoyment afterward. Eventually, the kiddos will hopefully see some real flowers growing in their pots!
- Golden Egg: Hide one extra special egg in the yard among all the others. Whoever finds this egg gets to do something fun, like pick out the dessert for the night or smash a couple eggs on other people’s heads. If you want to make this game a little harder, fill a normal Easter egg with golden confetti instead.
- Easter Egg Cornhole: Just like normal Cornhole, except you’ll use Easter eggs instead of bean bags. You can DIY a target platform using cardboard and put an easter basket under the hole. Do this after the egg hunt is over so everybody can just use the eggs they’ve already found.

At the end of the day, if you want to make the players feel even more special, you can give out an Easter trophy to the grand winner. If you’re worried about younger kids getting upset, consider giving out a little prize to everyone who participated.
How Mobee Can Help
If you’re worried about breaking your budget this Easter, consider using the Mobee App to help as much as possible.
You can complete Missions leading up to the holiday to save up your rewards and put points toward gift cards to be used as prizes, or to help buy your Easter supplies.
You can also complete Missions while doing your Easter shopping and get rewards to use later. Either way, Mobee can help you have an Egg-cellent Easter this year!