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12 Steps to Prepare Yourself Financially For a Baby

Parents say that having kids is one of the most rewarding experiences but they also say that preparing for a baby can be stressful. Numbers vary, but the cost of raising a child from birth through college is about $250,000. This includes things like housing, food, transportation, healthcare, education, childcare, clothing, personal care items, and entertainment.  We put together 12 steps …


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A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Stocks

Stocks are investments in companies that grant shareholders rights to the purchaser. They help diversify your financial portfolio and build credit as an investor. But breaking into the stock market can challenging if you are unsure of how to proceed. Here are a few tips and tricks for buying into the stock market and getting your investing journey started.  What Do You …


How Do Credit Cards Work?

One of the most necessary elements of adult life is credit. You’ll need credit to make large purchases throughout your life and to establish the ability to invest. To build credit, a credit card is almost essential. We all acknowledge that we should be building credit and maintaining credit cards, but what does that actually mean? What are credit cards, …


5 Money Management Tips for College Graduates

This is a guest post written my our Marketing Intern, Madison. Graduating from college is no small feat and what comes after can be a brand new challenge. For most, this is when they get their first full time job, become financially independent, gain new responsibilities, and much more. During this time, it can be challenging to manage your money …


[Experiment] Saving $100 Per Week for 5 Weeks

Over the past 5 weeks, I decided to embark on an experimental project: saving money. Saving money can often be a difficult task. There are so many things that cost money like food, rent, mortgages, school, bills, and so much more. With all of those expenses at the forefront of your mind, saving money can seem impossible.   Luckily, I’ll be testing this …


5 Tips to Save and Earn Money for College Students

This is a guest post written by our Marketing Intern, Madison. As tuition, student loans, and the cost of living dramatically rise, college students are finding new ways to earn quick money and save to cover expenses. As a college student myself, I felt this pressure my freshman year as I struggled having to work 15 hours a week for …


10 Smart Money Management Tips for Young Families

Whether you’re a new couple, thinking about kids, or have a growing family already: money management is a must. There will be days where you need to make every cent count, days where you can set a little money aside for the future, and every day in between. Money management is important, but sometimes it can be hard to find …