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Red, White, and Blue Facts for You

As most of us know, the Fourth of July is celebrated because, on July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies had claimed their independence from England following the Revolutionary War. This eventually led to the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the formation of the United States. Original Fourth of July celebrations included mock funerals representing the end of the British monarchy’s …

Happy Father's Day

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Our Fantastic Father’s Day Shopping Facts!

In May, We shared our favorite Mother’s Day facts, but now another holiday is upon us… Father’s Day! On this special day, we’re honoring fathers and celebrating the influence fathers have had on our society. Fathers throughout history have had a huge impact on the lives of their children, and others around them. Whether they’re soccer coaches, stay at home …

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Fun Facts for a “Mom”umental Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day is on the horizon! We wanted to use this week’s blog post to show our appreciation for our moms and Mobee moms! In order to celebrate, we’ve crafted a list of our favorite Mother’s Day shopping fun facts for you. Each year total planned sales on Mother’s Day (and all holidays for that matter) is slowly increasing. While this may be true, you …

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Egg-cellent Shopping Facts for Your Easter Holiday!

As the Easter holiday approaches, we’ve gathered some of our favorite Easter fun facts to share with you all. We were amazed at some of these facts and are now we’re excited to begin our Easter Shopping bonanza. Using your Mystery Shopping rewards will make spending money on Easter gifts feel a little bit sweeter. According to the National Retail …

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What Can In-Store Shopping Do For You?

As the internet expands its reach, the idea of online shopping has grown more and more appealing. Online shopping may have some benefits, but it also lacks a lot of advantages that can be found in shopping at actual brick and mortar stores. Whether you’re in a mall, boutique, thrift store, etc.… there is something unique and special that comes …