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5 Ways to Get Rid of an Overly Helpful Employee
This is a guest post written by one of our Bees, Stephanie Modkins
We’ve all had this experience. You’re at a store trying to snap a photo but can’t because of an overly helpful employee. This person keeps a close eye on you, asking you every few minutes if you need help. You can tell that your cover is about to be blown. So, how do you get rid of this type of person? Here are five tips that I recommend.
No. 1: Accept Their Help
Let the employee assist you. Ask them to give further details about the inner workings of a product. Then, follow up with a few more questions. After a few minutes, say thanks. Then, watch as the employee walks away.
No. 2: Create an Errand
After an employee approaches you, create an errand. Ask for a store card application or missing product on a shelf. This type of request (in general) compels the person to walk away either to a cash register or backroom. Thus, giving you time to complete your mission.
No. 3: Ask about Sales
If a store employee sticks to you like glue, ask this individual about sales. Say you are comparing prices from a competitor. Then, be bold and ask if it is okay to take a photo of your intended product (or display). The answer is almost always yes because the person understands your needs.

No. 4: Bait and Switch
This one works if they are other customers wandering through the store. When an overly helpful employee walks over to you, explain that you thought another customer required help first. Be extra polite and say you can wait for assistance. As the employee departs, complete your task.
No. 5: Request Privacy
No shopper is the same. So, if a store employee keeps approaching you, ask for privacy. Explain you enjoy shopping alone. You will ask for help if necessary. Most employees walk away upon hearing this type of statement.
In conclusion, the above suggestions offer ideas on how to get rid of an overly helpful employee. Use them and secret shop with more ease. Maintain better control of your missions.
Editor’s Note: Stephanie Modkins is an active Mobee user. She spent her childhood as a military dependent traveling to different places like the Philippines. This experience taught her the value of diversity. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, playing cards, and watching singing competitions.
Are you looking for other tips that can help you complete Missions? If so, here is how to have creative conversations with retail associates, as well as how to take sneaky pictures. Here’s also what to say if you get caught taking photos, as well as some troubleshooting tips.