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5 Budget-Friendly Winter Activities

As winter gets closer opportunities for outdoor activities get fewer and further between. This makes it important to have a list of options on hand for when you have some winter weekends to burn through.   Luckily, winter offers chances for cheap, family friendly activities and stay at home date nights. Break out the candles, put the water on for hot chocolate, and get …


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A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Stocks

Stocks are investments in companies that grant shareholders rights to the purchaser. They help diversify your financial portfolio and build credit as an investor. But breaking into the stock market can challenging if you are unsure of how to proceed. Here are a few tips and tricks for buying into the stock market and getting your investing journey started.  What Do You …


How Do Credit Cards Work?

One of the most necessary elements of adult life is credit. You’ll need credit to make large purchases throughout your life and to establish the ability to invest. To build credit, a credit card is almost essential. We all acknowledge that we should be building credit and maintaining credit cards, but what does that actually mean? What are credit cards, …


How to Start Saving for Retirement

Financial planning doesn’t always feel like fun on the surface, so it’s easy to understand why so many people overlook this important aspect of daily life. This is doubly true for retirement planning, which always feels like so far off in the distance. That’s why saving for retirement can seem like an incredibly daunting task, especially when it’s so easy …

How to Get Into Couponing

Couponing is a hobby to some and a necessity for many. There’s even an entire TV show devoted to the concept. Extreme Couponing aside, there’s no one “correct” way to coupon—you might be more interested in an app-based approach, or you might be fully on board with setting up your couponing binder. With so many resources available to people new …

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The Best Mobile Apps to Set a Budget

Managing your personal finances can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re self-employed or trying to get back on track with your credit score (or even just your checking account). Luckily, there are plenty of resources and budgeting software available that will help you keep an eye on your expenses and savings, and help you plan for a more …


5 Easy Ways to Stay Cool This Summer

Summer is suddenly here, and with it the heat and humidity. Increased daylight hours and consistent heat waves mean that it might be time to find new ways to keep yourself cool, but staying cool isn’t always necessarily budget-friendly, even if you’re not paying for air conditioning (those fans eat up a lot of energy, too). Here are a few …


7 Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

Your credit score is one of the earliest hurdles adult life can throw up in your path. A lackluster credit score can impact a lot of your big life decisions, from paying off student loans to buying a first home. Improving your score takes time and research, and often some aspects of your credit score can feel out of your …

Cord Cutting Guide: What You Can Do

Cable TV is increasingly something that people rely on less and less for entertainment. Your favorite movies, shows, and documentaries aren’t necessarily over-the-air on network television—instead, companies like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video are creating amazing content at low subscription costs. While many younger people aren’t going in for cable, those who do have it are finding it difficult …

How to Save Money on Your Car Insurance

We’re always on the lookout for ways to save money. One of the best places to cut costs is with your monthly expenses—such as car insurance. In the United States, the average car insurance cost is $1,674 per year for full coverage, or about $139.50 per month, according to Bankrate. For many, (ourselves included) paying that regular insurance bill is like …